Color Mixing and M&M Math

This week we have been learning about our colors! We have read numerous color books such as Mouse Paint and Green Frog, Green Frog What do You See? We also learned some color songs and learned how to mix colors to make a new color! Here is a little bit of what we did this week. 

Hayden grouping and sorting her M&Ms.

Ava counting her blue M&Ms. 

Lodan grouping his M&Ms.

Ava working on mixing her colors. 

Dayne mixing his colors.

Harrison painting his colors. 

Kamauri reading one of our color books, Green.

Jaeden mixing her colors. 

Our Fabulous Shape Party!

We had so much fun at our shape party! First I want to give a BIG thank you to YOU! We could not have had this with out your help, so thank you for all of the snacks you sent! We had a wonderful time, and we had every single shape! The children loved it. 

All of our shape snacks!

Lodan, Kamauri, Tucker, Harrison, and Ava fixing a plate of "shape food".  

Lodan, Ava, Tucker, and Harrison enjoying their snacks in the pod.

Mary Austin, Hannah, and Leah having their snack.

Tucker, Harrison, and Joshua having a snack. 

Mason, Jaeden, Isabella, and Andy eating their shapes. 

Hayden, Hyunsol, and Kamauri fixing a plate of shapes.

Hal enjoying his shape snack!

Anthony and Taylor eating in the pod!

Hyunsol, Hayden, and Kamarui enjoying a snack!

We had so much fun learning about shapes this week! 

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round!

 Today we made school bus cookies!

First we spread yellow icing on our gram crackers.

Joshua is adding his icing. 

Hyunsol, the birthday girl, adding her icing.

Hal, putting icing on his cookie. 

Next, Harrison and Andy add windows and wheels!

Mary Austin is putting chex cereal on her cookie for windows, and oreos for her wheels. 

Ta Da! Isabella and her finished product!

Jacob and his school bus.

Hannah and her school bus. 

Mason and his finished school bus. 

Jaeden and her school bus. 

And now for the best part, we get to eat them!
Kamauri is enjoying his cookie!

Taylor finishing her cookie!

Lodan enjoying his school bus!

Hayden and her school bus cookie. 

Eileen and her finished cookie!

Leah and her yummy school bus!

Dayne finishing his bus!

Tucker and his school bus cookie!

Anthony enjoying his cookie!

We had so much fun learning about school buses this week!

Look what we are learing in centers!

Harrison and Dayne putting a puzzle together

Meet our new friend, Asim! We are so happy to have him!

Andy and Anthony building with blocks.

Dayne building a tower. 

Mason and Harrison creating at the light table.

Hannah is reading in our library center

Jaeden is also reading in our library center.

Taylor putting a puzzle together.

Tucker working on his "Seasons of a Tree".

Asim painting his "Seasons of a Tree".

Jacob and Kamauri are observing our new butterflies in discovery center!

Hayden, checking out our turtles, Lucy and Lucas.

 Mary Austin, reading in our reading loft.
Leah is reading a friend's journal in our loft.
Taylor reading in the loft.

Mary Austin in the reading loft. 

Taylor and Mary Austin reading!